Welcome to CrossiumDex

The most interoperable DEX aggregating platform

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What is DEX?
A peer-to-peer marketplace called DEX, or decentralized exchange, enables transactions between cryptocurrency traders. Financial transactions can be made possible through decentralized exchanges (DEXs), which eliminate the need for banks, brokers, payment processors, or other middlemen.
The capacity of blockchains to interact with one another is referred to as interoperability. Crossium-chain messaging protocols, which allow blockchains to read data from and/or send data to other blockchains, are the cornerstone of blockchain interoperability. Crossium-chain DEX is possible on our platform thanks to the interoperability of blockchains.
Many DeFi initiatives' success depends on crossium-chain compatibility. Crossium-chain DEXs are based on aggregators and the ongoing work to establish DEXs. They use a brand-new multi-chain network technology to establish a pool of liquidity. By utilizing intelligent algorithms, asset diversification, rising liquidity and trading volumes, and expanding the market for decentralized finance, they allow users to transact across several blockchain ecosystems. For DeFi to fully benefit from the strength of interoperability and liquidity across several chains, crossium-chain DEX is required.

Why crossium-chain DEX is better?

Enable users to trade across many blockchain ecosystems by leveraging smart algorithms
Increasing liquidity and trading volumes and growing the market for decentralized finance
Users can perform a seamless exchange of digital assets without the intervention of third-party governance with crossium-chain trading
Crossium-chain trading removes bottlenecks and simplifies crypto trading

CrossiumDEX features

Without using wrapped tokens, bridges, or intermediary networks, CrossiumDEX gathers liquidity to facilitate swaps
Best offers
During swap you will get best offers among different blockchains, so CrossiumDEX enables you that opportunity
No third-party authorities are engages during the process of swap. Everything works on smart-contracts and agreement of both sides
A collection of fixed open-source smart contracts called CrossiumDEX are used to construct a permissionless automated market maker on all supported blockchains
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Stage 1
  • Research of the market and understanding what problems it has
  • Brainstorming with the team and discussing the main idea
  • Caming out with the final decision and work on the product is started
  • Outlining main goals and milestones to better understand the priorities
  • Website building and whitepaper release
Stage 2
  • Launching of the project with stealth launch
  • Growing the community naturally
  • Start marketing with telegram trends and call channel
  • Reach 10K MC floor and add more liquidity
  • Extended liquidity lock until 3 years
Stage 3
  • Working on the DEX to make it live
  • Purchasing ads with influencers, bloggers related to the idea of project
  • Creating the community and social networks for product
  • Initial community is created and interacting with them
  • Full marketing is started after dex live
Stage 4
  • Reach to 100K MC floor
  • CMC & CG Listings
  • Trendings and appearing in different crypto platforms
  • Attracting more investors and traffic to the project
  • Keep the project stable with maintainance
  • Start to make it available on launchpad binance
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